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  • Ready to build your Ecom or Expert Business? Take the all-new OFA Challenge!

Ready to build your Ecom or Expert Business? Take the all-new OFA Challenge!

So this is SO COOL!

(Can you tell I’m a little excited)?

If you’re looking to launch an online business…

Or even just THINKING about how to grow your business…

I’ve got some INCREDIBLE news for you:

Only this time, there’s a twist.

For the first time ever, there are TWO different paths:

→ The EXPERT Edition - Perfect for sharing your message and changing the world, taught by Russell Brunson.

→ The ECOM Edition - Ideal for selling physical products and growing an ecommerce business, hosted by Russell’s good friend and ecom master, Trey Lewellen.

So which one do YOU wanna be – an Expert, or an Ecom pro?

What I like best about the One Funnel Away Challenge is there’s none of this fluff where you ‘watch a video, and then you’re on your own’...

Not on Russell’s watch.

Russell and his OFA Team genuinely WANT you to succeed. And they’re going all-in to make it happen for you.

That’s why you get the ‘white glove, red carpet’ treatment…

To help and guide you EVERY step of the way to getting your first (or next) online business and funnel up and running.

I’ve already signed up for this One Funnel Away Challenge REBOOT.

Will you JOIN me? (We can go through it together…)

I wouldn’t miss this for the world!

P.S. LP.S. Here’s what the NEW One Funnel Away Challenge looks like for just $100:

ClickFunnels for 90 days!!! (3 FULL MONTHS)
✔ One Funnel Away Challenge – Ecom Edition With Trey Lewellen
✔ One Funnel Away Challenge – Expert Edition With Russell Brunson
Weekly LIVE Calls with Trey and Russell (never done before!!!)
FREE BONUS! Access to 'Fill Your Funnel Challenge' to learn how to start attracting organic traffic for FREE!

​That’s $11,191 worth of value – ALL YOURS FOR JUST $100 TODAY!

Best wishes,

Keith Bell
The AI-Powered Marketer Newsletter